(This information is provided in accordance with the requirements set out in the SAFA Policy on Affiliated Entities).
(This information is provided in accordance with the requirements set out in the SAFA Policy on Affiliated Entities).
As described in the Constitution (2019) of the THPA, the objects and purposes of the Association consist of the basic objects of the Association and the following objects and purposes:
a. To encourage THPA members to operate in a safe and responsible manner, in accordance with operational and legal requirements as specified in the SAFA Operations Manual, SAFA policy and rules and THPA policy and rules;
b. To accept and execute SAFA delegated Aviation Authorities;
c. To, as far as possible, correctly represent the views of members regarding the management and administration of SAFA;
d. To encourage and foster the local development of the sports administered by SAFA;
e. To provide a social focus and a point of contact for local and visiting pilots;
f. Provide a mutually supportive community of pilots, with potential for the safer development of the individuals’ flying skills;
g. To assist SAFA with the supervision, control and oversight of operators, and operations of hang gliders, paragliders, paramotors, weightshift microlights, and other SAFA administered aircraft types, at sites within their region (as may be delegated by SAFA from time to time);
h. Seek to ensure all pilots operating aircraft types as administered, are SAFA members in accordance with Civil Aviation Orders and the Operations Manual;
i. Nominate/appoint safety officers and other personnel, to assist with the supervision and control of operations;
j. Nominate AIRS Managers to assist with the investigation of accidents and incidents along with promulgation of safety messages and development of safe operational protocols;
k. Ensure accidents involving their members and others are reported, and that investigations and proposals for appropriate actions to reduce hazards, are initiated;
l. Organise and implement safety or operational seminars as requested by the Chief Operating Officer (or delegate) or directed by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority;
m. To maintain ongoing management, assessment and publication of changes to launch and landing sites within their area;
n. Assist in the establishment, development, retention and management of sites;
o. Encourage the appointment of a delegate, if requested, for attendance at any regional, state or national meeting or conference;
p. To assure SAFA records, regarding the contacts, office holders and safety officers of the entity are always kept accurate and current;
q. the purchase, taking on lease or in exchange, hire or other acquisition of any real or personal property necessary or convenient for any of the objects or purposes of the Association;
r. the purchase, sale or supply of, or other dealing in, goods;
s. the construction, maintenance or alteration of any building or works necessary or convenient for any of the objects or purposes of the Association;
t. the acceptance of a gift for any of the objects or purposes of the Association;
u. the taking of any step the committee, or the members of the Association at a general meeting, determine expedient for the purpose of procuring contributions to the funds of the Association;
v. the printing or publication of any newspaper, periodical, book, leaflet or other document the committee, or the members of the Association at a general meeting, determine desirable for the promotion of any of the objects or purposes of the Association;
w. the borrowing and raising of money in any manner and on terms –
(i) the committee thinks fit; or
(ii) approved or directed by resolution passed at a general meeting;
x. subject to the provisions of the Trustee Act 1898, the investment, in any manner the committee determines, of any money of the Association not immediately required for any of the objects or purposes of the Association;
y. the making of a gift, subscription or donation to any of the funds, authorities or institutions to which section 78A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 of the Commonwealth relates;
z. the establishment and support, or aiding in the establishment or support, of any other association formed for any of the basic objects of the Association;
aa. the purchase, or acquisition, and the undertaking of all or part of the property, assets, liabilities or engagements of any association with which the Association is amalgamated in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the rules of the Association;
bb. the doing of any lawful thing incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects or purposes of the Association.
Each year when you renew your SAFA membership, you pay an extra amount – the Regional Development Levy (RDL). The SAFA then disburses the RDL collected to the regional associations, of which the THPA is one. The RDL is for the use of the Regional Associations to assist in managing activities in their region.
The THPA uses the RDL to:
· Acquire equipment approved by the members (e.g. weather stations);
· Pay for services such as mobile network access for weather stations, tree felling and lopping, vegetation clearing;
· Purchase gifts for land-owners;
· Provide assistance for training of safety officers;
· Undertake major site works that may be required from time to time;
· Any other task or undertaking or purchase deemed necessary by the THPA’s Committee of Management for the benefit of the THPA and its members and to meet our obligations as an affiliate of the SAFA.
: If you have an idea that will benefit the THPA and its members you can apply to the CoM for a grant. The CoM will consider all grant requests on their merits and determine their benefit before making a decision to approve them. If you want more information, do not hesitate to contact a member of the CoM.
You can get in touch via the Contact Us or via the Facebook icon on the footer of this website.
You can check out pictures in Our Website Gallery, video’s on Our YouTube Channel or Join Our Facebook Group to arrange to come out to a hill when flying is happening.
In summer, most evenings with a sea-breeze will get pilots out flying at Single Hill (between Seven Mile Beach and Roches Beach) near Hobart airport,or at Winton to the west of Brighton.
Everything you need to know is over at the SAFA (Sports Aviation Federation of Australia) Website – go take a look..
There are a few main differences between hang gliding and paragliding. The core differences are:
Transport: Hang gliders typically weigh in excess of 22kgs. Hang gliders require a roof rack to transport on a vehicle and can be carried on your shoulder or with the aid of another person. Paragliders weigh around 15kgs. Paragliders are stored and carried in a backpack and several paragliders can fit inside a vehicle.
Set-up: Paragliders are generally packed after flight in a manner that they are almost ready for the next flight. Paragliders take about 5 to 15 minutes to set-up ready to launch. Hang gliders are disassembled after fight and folded up for transport. Hang gliders take about 15 to 25 minutes to set up ready to launch.
Flight: Hang gliders offer a streamlined and dynamic form of flight. They offer much faster speeds and improved glide ratios when compared to paragliders. Paragliders can generally land in much smaller fields than hang gliders.
At the AGM of the THPA in 2015, the association’s members resolved that the THPA would adopt a neutral stance with respect to the proposal to install a cable car on Mount Wellington/kunanyi due to the wide-ranging opinions of the members.
Since that time the official position of the THPA has not changed. We neither support nor oppose the proposal.
The THPA has not been officially consulted about the design or placement of the proposed ramp included in the proposed design.
We have a policy of avoiding eagles whenever we can. If you see an eagle approach and behave aggressivley (squawking and swooping) then leave the area as quickly as possible. If you see eagles behaving aggressively to other gliders before launch then don't launch.