Title | Description | Category | Date |
The secret to flying XC in Tassie | Want to fly far? Read this as a start. By mediocre XC pilot Brad Harris |
Safety | 2024-11-27 23:06:14 |
Single Hill Letter of Agreement and Instrument of Exemption | Document defining permission to fly in Class D airspace near Hobart Airport |
Safety | 2024-02-27 04:48:33 |
Wake Turbulence | A summary of wake turbulence effects and measures |
Safety | 2024-02-25 05:27:03 |
NZHPA Safety Taskforce findings | A fascinating and relevant read for all pilots. |
Safety | 2023-08-24 11:26:53 |
THPA Farm Etiquette Policy | A policy document covering the expected etiquette for farms and for managing locks. |
Safety | 2020-12-15 11:05:01 |
Important Information About The THPA | Document containing important information regarding the purposes and Objectives of the THPA and the regional development levies. |
Safety | 2020-05-19 18:02:17 |
THPA Constitution | THPA Constitution |
Safety | 2020-05-19 18:00:09 |